April 26/27, 2025
$2100 + GST payable over the course of the year. Bursaries available for those in financial need.
6 experientially-based weekend workshops spaced approximately 2 months apart beginning April 26/27 2025; buddy system; weekly support group meetings (highly recommended)
Contact Jason Baird seminar coordinator
Down the Rabbit Hole
A One Year Program In Emotional Healing
Taking On the Deepest Healing of Your Inner Child and Aggressive/Defensive Ego Consciousness
“We carry more emotional pain and fear than we know. True, deep and lasting emotional healing is going into this pain and fear and healing it with love .”
It’s in our bodies – symptoms, aches and pains that seem to just land on us; ailments and unwanted physical conditions that have no known origins. It’s in our minds. They are never still, rarely peaceful, filled with an endless barrage of judgments, worries, and self-recriminations. It’s in our stress levels. We’re on edge, too busy, too rushed, everything is too much. It’s in our fearful dreams and disturbed sleep patterns. When was the last time you had a deep, restorative night’s sleep? It’s in our relationships. In spite of our deep desire for only love and harmony, we experience conflict, tension, confusion and even anger.
The emotional pain that we carry must find some screen upon which to project its shadows; some place to land or outlet to keep itself at bay. Like the ignored and dusty boxes we store in the basement of our homes, we try to make sure that their contents do not invade the sanctity of our living space by trying to keep them out of sight and straining to maintain our residence several floors above.
This One Year Program is for those individuals who have grown exhausted or despondent in their efforts to avoid that which emotionally has already been accumulated and boxed up inside them. With unparalleled support and sometimes gentle and at other times rigorous guidance, participants will begin to track, explore and release the emotional pain of their lives – the pain which lies behind, beneath and around their symptoms, wounds and repetitive, self-defeating issues.
The fundamental principles of this inner work can be stated as follows:
- “You can’t heal what you can’t feel”
- “ You can’t feel what you deny is real.”
- “The way out is the way in.”
- “What you resist, will persist.”
- “Feelings have never killed anybody. Repressing them have caused many to lose their lives.”
Invariably many of the shadows and emotional pain circuits that we are enslaved by are the results of wounds incurred in our family of origin or during those early years when we were abjectly vulnerable and defenseless. Learning how to truly become a nurturing and committed inner parent for the young person who lives inside you still will be the irrefutable path and sign that your deepest emotional healing is taking place.
6 experientially-based weekend workshops spaced approximately 2 months apart beginning April 20/21; buddy system; weekly support group meetings (highly recommended)
$2100 + GST payable over the course of the year. Bursaries are available
for those in financial need.
To register:
Contact Jason Baird, seminar coordinator, at (236) 330-4703 or seminarsjoelbrass@gmail.com.