April 28/29, 2018
$1650 + GST payable over the course of the year. Some financial assistance available for those motivated but without the means.
6 experientially-based weekend workshops spaced approximately 2 months apart beginning in April 28/29, 2018; buddy system; weekly support group meetings (highly recommended but not required)
This seminar has ended.
The Transfer of Trust
From Seeking Happiness, Peace and Safety from the World to Finding it Within
A One Year Program
If you pause long enough and really think about it, from whom or what do you seek your happiness, peace, safety, and self-worth? An honest self-inquiry will show you that you believe you gain these things from outside of you – from the world and from other people. For example, the world values you and pays you for what you do and this gives you a sense of security. Other people, like your family members and friends, approve of you and love you and this makes you happy. Once you have enough money and enough people who let you know that you are a good and fine human being, as conventional thinking goes, you will know peace. From the time you were a child, utterly and completely dependent on others for your survival and worth, you have been fixated on the HORIZONTAL to validate you and show you who you are. As the adult you are today, you are, almost certainly, still doing the same.
We remain enslaved by externals – pre-eminently job and financial circumstances and other peoples’ opinions and love as the singular mirror reflecting our fundamental identity and value back to us.
However, the very nature of the HORIZONTAL is that it is and always will be changeable and unreliable. A family member, for one reason or another, may withdraw their love and support or not offer it in the first place. A very good friend will move on or move away, or over time you may feel differently about them. A job will be down-sized or lost. The supply of money and work, as it always seems to do, flows and stops, flows and stops. Even your own body, because that too lives in the HORIZONTAL, will inevitably deteriorate and lose its vitality, attractiveness and reliability. If your happiness, peace, safety and security are based exclusively on the HORIZONTAL, you are in for the experience of an endless roller coaster ride through life, or to switch amusement park metaphors, a swirling, frantic “unmerry-go-round”.
Fortunately there are two other realms in which you can truly and deeply know happiness, peace, safety and self-worth, but they require inner work to get there. The first is the INTERNAL. This refers to your honest and real relationship with yourself. Can you develop a solid self-love, self-understanding and self-acceptance which remain totally independent and immune from all of the fluctuations that external events and other people are prone to? And, as important, can you develop a knowledge, relationship and trust in the VERTICAL, by whatever name and presence you know it, – God, Jesus, spirit, Universal Intelligence, Love, Peace, or Higher Power – that can permanently raise you above the battleground of the HORIZONTAL and give you a fundamentally different and constant experience of a trans-worldly inner peace and happiness that has absolutely nothing to do with anything or anyone outside of you?
Using A Course In Miracles, the teachings of Adyashanti and any private devotional, spiritual practices and paths of the participant, we will shift together in our ability and willingness to trust and access the INTERNAL and the VERTICAL as that which gives us the rock upon which to stand and be in life.
6 experientially-based weekend workshops spaced approximately 2 months apart beginning in April 28/29, 2018; buddy system; weekly support group meetings (highly recommended but not required)
$1650 + GST payable over the course of the year. Some financial assistance available for those motivated but without the means.
To Register:
This seminar has ended. Please see the list of current seminars for the latest offerings.